IPX Modules
Relay Actuator and Lift Control
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IPX Modules

Relay Actuator and Lift Control
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IPX-RLC – Relay Actuator Module
Main Features:
- The IPX-RLC has two main functions:
- 1) general relay actuator, 2) controller for IPX-LIFT Use for door strike, gates and lights Extends control for two relays through monitor station(s) Normally Open (N/O) or Normally closed (N/C) relays
- Supplies 12VDC, 300mA power for one relay Provides card/fob reader connection for the IPX-LIFT
IPX-LIFT – Lift Control Module
Main Features:
- Relay trigger for control of lift and other devices
- Uses IPX-RLC as main controller
- Up to fourteen (14) relays each IPX-RLC
- First IPX-LIFT connects directly to the IPX-RLC
- Daisy-chain up to Eight (8) IPX-LIFT modules
- Normally Open (N/O) or Normally closed (N/C) dry contact
- Card/fob reader connection through the IPX-RLC
IPX-RLC – Relay Actuator Module
Main Features:
- The IPX-RLC has two main functions:
- 1) General relay actuator,
2) Controller for IPX-LIFT - Use for door strike, gates and lights
- Extends control through monitor station(s)
- Normally Open (N/O) or closed (N/C) relays
- 12VDC, 300mA power for one relay
- Card/fob reader for the IPX-LIFT
IPX-LIFT – Lift Control Module
Main Features:
- Relay trigger for control of lift and other devices
- Uses IPX-RLC as main controller
- Up to fourteen (14) relays each IPX-RLC
- First IPX-LIFT connects directly to IPX-RLC
- Daisy-chain up to Eight (8) IPX-LIFT
- Open (N/O) or closed (N/C) dry contacts
- Card/fob reader through the IPX-RLC